i remember when wayne and i were 4 yrs old we both tried out in a play to become a bear. he beat me out, i started to cry and he went home and got the flu, and i became the bear. great guy, wonderful baseball player
Knew Wayne in kindergarden at old John B Cary school on Meadow St! Mrs. Morton's class. Like Willie, who was 4 yr old at time, I have a picture of about 12 people in her class. Wayne, Pat Mcdonald(who always had a huge crush on WIllie's brother Louis later in life, Bobby Drake , the old paste eater herself-Diane Page! and me. I remember being the troll in 3 Billy Goats Gruff. This must be the play Willie was talking about. Funny , I can remember things from over 60 yrs ago but lose track of whether or not I took this morning or evening's pills. I don't think I ever had classes with him again but remember he was one of my earliest friends. So sad, he just died recently. Mel Bookman
Willie Caplan
i remember when wayne and i were 4 yrs old we both tried out in a play to become a bear. he beat me out, i started to cry and he went home and got the flu, and i became the bear. great guy, wonderful baseball player
Mel Bookman
Knew Wayne in kindergarden at old John B Cary school on Meadow St! Mrs. Morton's class. Like Willie, who was 4 yr old at time, I have a picture of about 12 people in her class. Wayne, Pat Mcdonald(who always had a huge crush on WIllie's brother Louis later in life, Bobby Drake , the old paste eater herself-Diane Page! and me. I remember being the troll in 3 Billy Goats Gruff. This must be the play Willie was talking about. Funny , I can remember things from over 60 yrs ago but lose track of whether or not I took this morning or evening's pills. I don't think I ever had classes with him again but remember he was one of my earliest friends. So sad, he just died recently. Mel Bookman