Thomas Jefferson High School
Class of 1964
Photo Memories
Miss Elsie Stossell, guidance counselor for 7-8th grades at Westhampton JHS. Now she's Mrs. Norman Upchurch. She and late husband donated $4 million to Longwood University for hi tech state-of-the-art University Center named for them. She now resides in Front Royal, VA. (Photo submitted by Beth Prillaman Witt)
Remember these words?
Date Nights at the Movies
'64 Classmates and Cadets John Garner & Sandra Fines, Bruce Deffenbaugh & Nina Lou Eastman, Ned Hood with Sandy Smuckler, & David McNamee with Phoebee Brooks
Mary Mumford 4th Grade
(Photo submitted by Dan Schwartz, facilitated by Irv Greene)
Mary Mumford 6th Grade
(Photo submitted by Dan Schwartz, facilitated by Irv Greene)
Susan Miller (1972) in NYC, Presenting at New Car Event -- photo submitted by Bob Graham (still shocked she recognized him in the crowd 8 yrs after graduation!)
Tee Jay Varsity Cheerleaders -- Boys: Leslie Schrieber, Bob Buerlein, Dave Riley, Pen Shiflett, Chris Armstrong '65 & Jackie Greer '65. Girls: Back Row, Susan Tarrant, Linda Charnock, Beverly Moore, Beth Prillaman, Margaret Hutcheson, Fran Ford; Front Row: Penny Wheatcroft, Jackie Deane, Sally Felvey, Donna Newman, Lynn Phillips '65 & Bobie Hean Packer '65.
Class '64 20th Reunion at John Marshall Hotel
Classmates Somewhere in Time -- 1962-64 -- Just Sitting Around Being Cool
Dating Couples: Jackie Deane & Stan Navas '63, Foster Witt & Beth Prillaman, Jimmy Rogers '63 & Virginia Caldwell
Dave Riley & Date, Kay Hazelgrove, at TJ '64 Senior Prom
A TJ '64 Girls Mini-Reunion -- 1996 at Betsy Archer's Home (Photo taken by photographer John Henley)
TJ Class of 1964 40th Reunion at Willow Oaks Country Club
Snapshot in 1964, Tee Jay Classmates: Left to Right: Unknown, Judy Tower, Tom Farley & Kay Hazelgrove
Part of TJ Class of '64 at Albert H. Hill Jr. H.S., 1961
Westhampton Elementary School Class of 1960
(Our Future 9th Graders at Tee Jay)
TJ Class 1964 30th Year Reunion Photo
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